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SMSF Wizard

You’d never let the bank decide how to spend your salary - so letting a publicly managed super fund decide how you’ll spend your retirement sounds pretty crazy.

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We believe that nobody is better qualified to manage your money than you, so we launched SMSF Wizard to help you get control of one of your biggest assets. We are specialist SMSF Accountants, our focus making it easy to set up and run your SMSF, we won't tell you what to invest in but we will do your fund’s accounting and tax to keep you compliant.


Why SMSF Wizard? That’s easy:


Here to help

We were born out of a real desire to help people take control of their money. We believe you can use your super to grow your overall wealth in ways that the traditional super funds just aren’t set up to capitalise on.


One focus

We only do self managed super funds. So you’ll always be talking to experts who are top of their game.


Tailored app

You’ll always know exactly where your money is with our real-time app. Check the status of your investments in real time, then use that knowledge to make better investment decisions.


People first

We’re digital first, but we’re people-led. You’ll always be able to talk to a human if you need advice, strategy, or just want to riff about the latest crypto news. You’ll never be thrown in the deep end.


Transparent fees

No commissions and fixed fees not based on balance. It's all taken care of - you focus on what to invest in.

Meet the founders.

SMSF Wizard is the brainchild of Lisa and Brendan - a powerhouse team with more than 25 years' combined experience across accounting, business, commercial law.

Brendan Bassa

Brendan is an experienced Chartered Accountant and SMSF Advisor who has provided strategic taxation advice to self managed super funds, businesses and individuals for over 12 years.

Lisa Bassa

Lisa is an experienced commercial lawyer who has over 15 years experience providing strategic commercial and legal advice to ensure clients are compliant with the many laws and regulations that are associated with commercial dealings.

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